About Us
Applied Neuroscience, Inc. (ANI) is a software company that specilizes in linking Patients' Symptoms to Networks in the Brain.
Wether you use our NeuroNavigator, NeuroGuide and/or NeuroLink software it is important to target the Networks in the Patient's Brain so one can begin to help the Patient feel better.
ANI also provides
Conventional and QEEG Clinical Report Services as well as reasonably priced
Workshops that can be an asset to any Clinician.
You will find many comprehensive educational Videos regarding NeuroGuide Tools for Assessment,
Clinic Report Writing and Neurofeedback via our
Free Webinar Series.
ANI's latest user friendly software development allows Clinicians to rapdily change views and slices and to use cutting tool to explore dysregulated brain regions linked to the Patient's symptoms.
Clinicians can also view the Scalp Electrical Field, Cortical Sources, Functional Connectivity, Effective Connectivity, and Diffusion Tensor Imaging Overlays while simultaneously using Transparent Scalp, Skull and Brain controls.
Clinicians can also save time by linking a Patient/Client's symptoms to dysregulation in Brodmann areas' nodes and connections between nodes using the Symptom Checklist or by selecting one of the Networks to produce a tailored Neurofeedback protocol that can be exported. Furthermore, if the Clinician, is a NeuroGuide Neurofeedback provider as well, he/she can easily import the the Patient's protocal into any of NeuroGuide's Neurofeedback options and quickly begin a Neurofeedback session to train the Network.
ANI has been developing and marketing state of the art Conventional EEG, qEEG and Neurofeedback software for clinical and research purposes since 2001.
NeuroGuide offers conventional EEG and quantitative EEG simultaneously on the same screen at the same time.
Visual examination of the EEG tracings is augmented by artifact removal, Joint-Time-Frequency-Analyses (JTFA), power spectral analyses and One can easily change references and montages with a mouse click.
In addition, NeuroGuide offers immediate and dynamic comparisons to reference normative databases, discriminant fuctions, multivariate predictions of neuropsychological test performance, LORETA 3-dimensional source analyses and an Automatic Clinic Report Writer.
NeuroGuide also offers the seamless integration of qEEG assessment and EEG Neurofeedback and/or Brain-Computer-Interface (BCI) treatment applications.
NeuroGuide offers the Clinician methods to seamlessly link patient's symptoms to unstable hubs and modules of functional networks in the brain, to design a NFB and/or BCI treatment protocol.
Intra and Inter-session progress charts provide immediate feedback to clinicians to maximally stabilize deregulated networks linked to symptoms.
Helping the Clinician achieve good clinical outcomes with fewer sessions is the goal.
You will find many comprehensive educational videos regarding NeuroGuide Tools for Assessment, Neurofeedback and
Clinic Report Writing via our
Free Webinar Series.
ANI's latest software development is sure to help a wide range of Clinician's link their Paitents' symptoms and/or complaints to the various Networks in the brain.
After the Patient has answered a series of questions, the Clinician can view the results of the Assesment on the Monitor, Print and/or Save the Bar Graph to the Paitent's folder.
Another useful feature is once the Patient has completed two or more Assesments, the Clinician can View, Print and/or Save the Patients Assesment History to see the progress, if any, the Patient's Treatments may have achieved.
If the Clinician, is a NeuroGuide Neurofeedback provider as well, he/she can easily import the results of the Patient's NeuroLink Assement prior to begining the Neurofeedback session to quickly choose which Network to train.